Aims & Scope
The goal is to familiarize with the materials published in the journal by employees of universities, the Academy of Sciences, industry institutes, production associations and companies of Uzbekistan and the CIS countries, as well as foreign authors containing new original results in the following areas:
- technology of inorganic substances and materials:
- technology of organic substances;
- petroleum and gas chemistry, oil refining;
- technology of polymer and composite materials;
- chemical and metallurgical processes of deep processing of ore, man-made and secondary raw materials;
- chemistry and technology of rare, dispersed and radioactive elements;
- alternative energy sources, energy-saving technologies;
- environmental problems, the creation of low-waste and closed technological schemes;
- chemical processing of solid fuels of natural renewable raw materials;
- processes and apparatuses of chemical technology;
- chemical cybernetics, modeling and automation of chemical industries;
- information technology in chemical technology;
- technology of medicines, household chemicals;
- biotechnology;
- food technology;
- analytical control of chemical production, quality and certification of products;
- toxicity problems, ensuring the safety of chemical industries, labor protection.
The aim is also to promote the practical use of the achievements and experience of their colleagues.