

Development of technology for the storage and processing of fruits and vegetables and an increase in the degree of consumption of pro-cessed products among the population is an urgent problem of the present time.Developed recipes for semi-finished sauce-pastes, consisting of fruits, vegetables and their mixtures, the technology of their production. These recipes rationally used sesame of Yerusalem artichoke - secondary raw materials of the canning industry, the powder of the peel of Walnuts, sunflower seeds. Used existing methods for the determination of physical-chemical parameters and nutritional value of semi-finished sauce-paste. A recipe and production technology for a semi-finished product, persim-mon sauce-pasta, still without an assortment and a certain processing technology, have been developed. The results are presented in tabular form and analyzed. According to the results, it is clear that the largest mass fraction of carbohydrates is found in the semi-finished product, pumpkin paste sauce and amounts to 5.25% of the dry matter mass. A high indicator of the mass fraction of lipids was found in the sauce-paste of pumpkin semi-finished products and amounts to 5.15% of the mass of dry substances. The presence of this distinctive indicator is explained by the use of sunflow-er seed kernels. The largest amount of fiber was found in the apricot cake mix and was 4.2%. The use of the powder of the peel of Walnuts allowed to enrich the pine paste with vitamins C and E and iodine. The use of pumpkin seed powder made it possible to increase the healing properties and enrich the composition with proteins, fats and carbohydrates.



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