For the first time, the amino acid composition of the seed oat fruit harvested in the Republic of Uzbekistan was stud-ied. Chromatographic detection of amino acids was performed by the method of ascending one-dimensional paper chroma-tography; violet, red-violet and yellow staining was observed, indicating the presence of free amino acids in the raw materi-al under study. The determination of the qualitative and quantitative content of amino acids of oat fruit was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on an Agilent Technologies 1200 chromatograph, column 75x4.6 mm Discovery HS C18. Qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation of the concentration of the studied free amino acids was performed by comparing the retention time and peak areas of the standard and studied phenylthiocarbamate derivatives of amino acids. As a result of the research in the oats, 18 amino acids have been identified, 8 of which are irreplaceable. The predominant amino acid in the fruits of oats is glutamic acid, glycine, asparagine, and cysteine. Therefore, the obtained data allowed us to characterize the fruits of oats as a source of protoinogenic amino acids.
Recommended Citation
Dilobar, Nurullaeva and Nodira, Farmanova
"Study of amino-acid composition of seed of oats fruit (Avena sativa L.),"
3, Article 46.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70189/1992-9498.1181
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