The aim of this work is to synthesize, determine the composition and microstructure of complexes of copper (II) sulfate with collagen for use as a dye for textile material. Coordination complexes of copper (II) sulfate with collagen synthesized at different ratios of the initial substances by the interaction of solutions of different concentrations of copper sulfate and collagen of raw skin. With an increase in the salt content, the yield of the reaction product increases. With an excess of collagen, some of it does not bind into a complex and precipitates. With an excess of salt, almost the weight of the collagen binds into a complex and a rhombic single crystal formed. SEM and X-ray phase analysis of the starting materials and complexes carried out. The correspondence of the parameters of the crystal structure in the X-ray spectra of the complexes found for a wide ratio of the starting materials.
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SADIKOVA, Dildorа; RAFIKOV, Adham; TURSUNQULOV, Oybek; and SOYIBOVA, Dilnoza
"Synthesis and structure of the coordination complex of copper ion with collagen,"
1, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51348/GTNI8429
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