



The aim of the study is to study the chemical composition of the grain of rye "Vakhsh-116" grown in the Andijan region of the country, the analysis of its technological properties, the comparison of the chemical composition and technological properties of the grain of local wheat "Davr" and rye grown in Russia, the features of milling flour for the production of bread. It has been established that the geometric dimensions of the grain affect the stacking density during the formation of grain layers, i.e. on the formation of layers of grain of a certain thickness on a sieve when cleaning or sorting grain. The indicators of the geometric characteristics of the grain play a key role in the processes of heat and moisture transfer of grain, especially during the hydrothermal treatment of the latter. It was determined that in the largest grains the core is larger, the shells are thinner and smaller. In small grains, on the contrary, the kernels are smaller, the shells are thicker and larger, therefore the grain composition of small grains is characterized by an abundance of fiber and ash. The chemical composition of rye grain of the Vakhsh-116 variety grown in the republic was studied, the technological properties of grain, the chemical composition and technological properties of local varieties of wheat and rye of the Davr variety, as well as those grown in foreign countries, were analyzed. Uzbekistan.



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