

Purpose of scientific research - the need for the synthesis and study of physico-chemical properties of polymethylennaphthalene sulfocyanate on the basis of naphthalene fraction obtained on the basis of fractional driving of pyrolysis process secondary yield “pyrolysis oil”is due be using that the use of secondary products instead of imported superplasticizers and cationites used in construction and manufacturing industrial enterprises. The conditions of the process of synthesis of linear and spatial polymethylennaphthalene sulfocyanate using naphthalene fraction obtained by fractional rectification of pyrolysis secondary product “pyrolysis oil” were studied. The structures of resulting new superplasticizer (SP) and cationite (ASO) were studied using IR spectroscopy and scanning electronic microscopy methods. The thermal analysis of cation exchangers was performed. The effect of superplasticizer on concrete mixtures has been studied. The operational characteristics of cationite have been determined, as SEC (static exchange capacitance) - 4,6 mg-ekv/g and DEC (dynamic exchange capacitance) - 475-490 mole/m3. It was found that the addition of 0,8% superplasticizer has increased the strength of concrete on 84,39%.



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