Volume 2020, Number 1 (2020)
Bases of development of technologies of synthesis of oxide materials in Big solar furnace (Parkent)
Gulamova Dilbara, Baxronov Khayot, Bobokhulov Sirojiddin, and Eshonkulov Elyor
Influence of technological parameters on the chemical composition of calcium polyphosphates from phosphorites Central Kyzylkum
Ulugberdieva Ziyada, Khujamberdiev Sherzod, Mirzakulov Kholtura, and Usmanov Ilkham
Composition of liquid paraffins for flotation enrichment of potassium chloride
Vaqqosov Sobir, Xolmuratov Shamsitdin, Buxarov Shuhrat, and Kodirov Orifjon
Effective oil extraction from Bombyx mori silkworm pupae and its structural characteristics
Avazova Oynavod, Yugai Sveta, and Rashidova Sayora
Modification of lithium lubricants
Azimova Shodiyakhon, Arslanov Sharafutdin, Aripdjanov Oybek, and Azimov Dilmurod
Radiopaque activity of iodine containing methylene-bis-carbamate
Baltabaev Ubaydulla, Djuraev Abdukahhor, Abduvakilov Jahongir, and Abdullaeva Matluba
Obtaining microcrystalline cellulose from melon crops and studying its structure
Umarova Vasila, Mardonov Asror, Khamdamova Dilnoza, and Akmalova Guzal
The study of the component composition of the reaction mixture containing formaldehyde reaction products
Hurramov Lochinbek, Alimukhamedova Nozima, Adilov Ravshan, and Alimukhamedov Muzafar
Research of kinetic characteristics of the process of decomposition of zinc concentrate with hydrochloric acid
Rosilov Mansur, Deng Tianlong, Usmanov Ilham, and Samadiy Murodjon
Pressure-compensated temperature control in rectification column
Norkobilov Adham, Turakulov Zafar, Kamolov Azizbek, and Talipov Hojiakbar
Study of recombinant protein fractions from the Bombyx mori and Pichia pastoris using "native page" method
Abdurhakhmanov Jaloliddin, Sasmakov Sobirdjan, Khasanov Shuhrat, and Ashirov Оybek
Research of the process of obtaining interesterified fat for margarine production on the basis of sunflower oil and palm stearin
Rahimov Dilshod, Ruziboyev Akbarali, Tashmuratov Asatullo, and Salijanova Shaxnoza
New composition and method for producing pasta
Sanaev Ermat, Tursunkhodjaev Pulat, Ayhodjaeva Nodira, and Normatov Anvar
Innovative cotton oil refining technology
Majidova Nargiza, Sattarov Karim, Majidov Kaxramon, and Ismatov Sunatillo