Volume 2019, Number 2 (2019)
Bi / Pb room temperature superconducting phases of Тс=291 К, 295 K obtained by solar energy
Gulamova Dilbara, Ashimov Sabir, and Chigvinadze Jaba
Photocatalytic properties of almalyk mining company ZnS concentrate
Kadirova Zukhra, Strijevskaya Anna, Hojamberdiev Mirabbos, and Daminova Shahlo
Monocalcium phosphate from Central Cyzylkum phosphorites
Shaymardanova Mohichehra, Usmanov Ilkham, Melikulova Gavkhar, and Mirzakulov Kholtura
Development of technology for obtaining liquid synthetic washing means on the basis of local raw material resources
Erkayeva Nazokat, Sharipova Khabiba, Erkayev Aktam, and Kucharov Bakhrom
Influence of the structure of aldehydes on the directions of their reactions with monoethanolamine
Khudoyberdidiev Akhmadali, Khodjayorova Guzal, Adilov Ravshan, and Alimukhamedov Muzaffar
Enantioselective alkynylation of some cyclical ketones by 3,3′-diphenylbinaphtol dilithium
Otamuxamedova Guzal, Ziyadullayev Odiljon, Shmid Elena, and Maniecki Tomash
Benzamide coordination compounds of magnesium nicotinate
Ibragimova Мavluda and Ibadullayeva Тursunoy
Physico-chemical properties of hydrogel based on 1-chloro-3-piperidino-2-propylacrylate
Pulatova Nilufar and Maksumova Oytura
Development of environmentally friendly drilling fluids in order to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment
Arslanova Nodirakhon, Arslanov Sharafutdin, and Zavorotnyy Vitaliy Leonidovich
Sorbents for cleaning of vegetable oils
Ikromov Oybek, Suvanova Fayoza, and Farmonov Jasur
Analysis of experimental research in determining bubbling extractor mixing zones’ sizes
Karimov Ikromali
Extraction-photometric determination of bismuth (III) with 1-(2-pyridylaze)-2-naphthol
Turabdjanov Sadritdin, Otakuzieva Vazira, Giyasov Anvar, and Rakhmatullaeva Nargiza
Gradient precipitation of recombinant proteins contained in silkworm larvae (Bombyx mori) with ammonium sulphate
Abdurhakhmanov Jaloliddin, Sasmakov Sobirdjan, Khasanov Shuhrat, and Ashirov Оybek

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