Volume 2019, Number 1 (2019)
Bi/Pb superconducting phases, with an elevated superconducting transition temperature, synthesized by solar energy
Gulamova Dilbara
Study of the process of ammonization of nitrogen-acid solutions of the leaving of the kaolin clays of the Angren deposit
Kenjayev Mirjalol, Mirzakulov Kholtura, and Mamadjаnov Zokir
Peculiarities of mullite formation during heat treatment of shale from the Jerdanak deposit
Mkrtchyan Ripsime Vachaganovna and Aripova Mastura Khikmatovna
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of iodine containing benzoate derivatives
Jurayev Abdukakhkhar and Mukhamedov Ilamon
The synthesis of heterocyclic derivatives of phenyl(benzoyl) thiourea
Baltabaev Ubaydulla
The study of the alcoholysis regularities of secondary polyethylenethertalate with the mixture of polyhydric
Khudayberdiev Akhmadali, Sayidov Boysayid, Juraev Asror, and Alimukhamedov Muzaffar
Obtaining vinyl acetate by heterogeneous-catalytic method using a new catalyst
Vapoev Khusnitdin, Muhiddinov Bakhodir, Nurmonov Suvonqul, and Turdieva Odina
Development of the composition and research of anti-corrosive properties of coatings for large-sized technological equipment
Turabdjanov Sadritdin, Rakhmatov Erkin, Li Myung Suk, and Ziyamukhamedova Umida
Polycondensation type anion-exchange polymers
Yuldashev Alisher, Mutalov Shukhrat, Nazirova Rano, and Tursunov Tulkun
Developing of nеw filtr material from rаw materials for the filtration diaсetatе cellulose solution
Kholturaev Bahriddin, Kareva Natalya, Shahobuddinov Sirojiddin, and Sarymsakov Abdushkur
Study of heat exchange in a dryer with a vortex pseudo liquefied layer
Suyarova Khilola, Bakhronov Khoshim, and Khudoyberdieva Nazora
Influence of the air flow on the heat of combustion purified melted sulfur
Kholmuminov Abdulfatto, Sherniyozov Bobur, Khodzhaeva Nasiba, and Akhadov Alisher
Technological features of deodorization of local soybean oil
Khuzhakulova Dilbar and Mazhidov Kakhramon
Changes in the structure of nucleus, mildness and fries obtained from high and low sorted cotton seeds
Akhmedov Azimjon, Suvanova Fayoza, Sagdullaeva Dilnoza, and Аbdurakhimov Saidakbar
Investigation polyphenol composition of liquid extract of “Flegmen”
Olimov Nemat, Sidametova Zaynab, and Sultonov Bokhodir
Research authentication of the medical herbals by multispectral analysis
Kaddour Abderrahmane Ait, Safarov Jasur, and Dadaev Gani

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